Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My poor abandoned blog needs an update!

It's about 2 hours past my bedtime, and I have to wake up early to take Peyton for her vaccinations early in the morning, but I wanted to make an attempt to get back to blogging now that my LO goes to bed at 9:00 and I am home from work. The New Year has not been fabulous so far, as my precious Peyton wound up in the hospital just 3 days after Christmas. Her official diagnosis was "Rule out Sepsis" as she developed a super high fever out the blue on Dec 26. She is fine now and has no reason to think anything serious occured, but she was in the hospital for 4 days and they were the worst 4 days of my life.
I literally worried myself sick, and wound up a patient in the very same hospital only a few days after she was released.
I am suffering with a bad case of diverticulitis, and have been admitted to the hospital twice since January. I am having tons of pain, but am trying to rest as well as I can, and to relax and eat better, too. I may need surgery in th near future, and I hope that getting into Blogging again might help me focus on positive thoughts and keep me occupied as well. Any positive thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated at this time. I spent a lot of time today trying to ask Jesus to heal me so I can be the best mother possible to Peyton, and I KNOW HE would not bless us with our beautiful daughter and then take away all of our joy by having a serious illness befall I am going to try and update my blog, focus on FAITH and pray all goes well in the next few days.
I hope to do an update on our adoption story and update our nursery pics, too!


  1. Long time no see Im glad your back. My thoughts are with you all take care...our little guy was in the hospital a week ago for bronchillitas. It was 2 1/2 days and my Husband and I were nervous wrecks. I told him I dont want any of us back there until there is a safe and healthy delivery of baby #2!!

  2. Carrie @

    Hi, Tiffany! I stumbled across your your design. Im really, really sorry youve been very sick while trying to care for a baby. I have 3 children. A few years ago I was diagnosed with a crippling chronic illness. Let me just say that God really worked on my faith and relationship with Him while I was broken and hurting. I truly hope you feel better quickly. I will pray for you (really, i will) that God would carry you through this.
