Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First Major "Bump In the Road"

We have been excitedly working on the baby's room, shopping for items to take with us to pick up baby, and booked a flight to meet the B-Mom...all costing lots of cash. Last night, while at work admitting patients from Open Heart surgery to the ICU ( stressful business ) I rec'd an e-mail from my attorney. She told me that the B-mom needs dental work and asked us to help. We were also notified that some other unusual expenses have been requested as well. She then told me that Medicaid may not pay for delivery if she is induced ( so we may be present at the birth). I am pretty upset and feel that we are being taken advantage of a bit, as we had set up a budget and were comfortable with the expenses set up before we accepted the situation. We have not yet seen mom's medical records or ultra sound pictures although we have seen the actual ultrasound report.

We seem to be having a problem with the B-mom's attorney as well. She did not want us to send her retainer until we spoke. When I called her (twice) she would not take my calls and told my atty that the B-mom and I had not spoken "enough" We got her first call on a Tuesday, and spoke twice while I was on vacation.. and by Monday, when I returned, I was told we had not spoken enough! WTF! Now the atty is "upset" that she does not have her retainer yet. We only got the call 3 weeks ago, and were not expecting this so we needed to obtain funding from our 403B acct, and it took a few days. The $ was sent out last week, so I don't know what the big deal is!

I am feeling like a punching bag right now. I spend all of my time doing stuff for this adoption and am getting a little worn down. I am fearful that not paying for "dental work" may cause the B-mom to change her mind and that paying for the delivery ( when we were told she had Medicaid before we decided to go with her) is going to bankrupt us. I so want this to come to fruition and am really feeling badly today. I am going to call my attorney now, and was just hoping for some one to cheer me along!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Set, SHOP!!!

I wanted to do a quick update as I am off to work soon on this lovely Fourth Of July, and before I go on about Baby Stuff, I want to take a minute to thank all of the brave women and men who have served and died for our country. Their sacrifices over and over again allow us to live and die free here in the USA, and I am proud to be an American and so grateful that they have allowed us to live and prosper here.

If it were not for their bravery and courage, I might not be sitting here, free to write what I want and to buy what I want, eat and drink and drive what I want and worship the way I want. God Bless the USA!!!!

The above picture is just a small sampling of two days of shopping for baby with my mother in law and my mom! Look for them at your local Target and/or Wal-Mart. They have BIG shopping carts ( and my mom has BIG HAIR) and they seem to have large credit limits on their charge cards! (Actually, my Mother in Law uses a system of envelopes and rubber bands to set aside $$ for major events and has stacks of cash all separated into little piles all clipped together. It's hysterical, but efficient.)
The are armed only with love and happiness and are not dangerous...unless you are trying to buy the same Pack and Play they have saved for over the last six months. If so, you need to take cover because they are both Italian and will bite if approached!